About Nadene Joy

Nadene JoyNadene Joy is a top global advisor, executive leadership strategist and business coach who helps leaders who are feeling stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed or alone achieve their sky as a limit goals in business and in life.

She has worked alongside some of the worlds top leaders and is CEO of Nadene Joy Consulting Inc., CEC Global Ambassador, a Certified CMHA Psychological Health and Safety Advisor, NLP Practitioner, member of The International Society for Female Professionals (ISFP) and is a former senior oil executive exploration Geologist, speaker, and International bestselling author. Nadene is a Director, advisor and advocate of several local, non-profit and international boards. She has been awarded several achievements of global excellence including the prestigious 2021 International Woman of Substance Award from The St. Mother Theresa University (India) and the 2021 TISGS Award of Business Excellence In Social Impact under the Patronage of H.E. Sheikh Eng. Salem Bin Sultan Al Qasimi (Dubai).

As the Chair/Founder of The Global Lead 2 Impact Summit, Nadene Joy, known as the “Changemaker” of our time is aptly named as her name literally means “hope.”  Over the course of her career she has been featured in USA TODAY, CBC, iheartradio in NYC, The Globe and Mail, CBS, ABC, Corporate Investment Times and NBC. Nadene Joy co-authored “Cracking The Rich Code Vol.4” with Kevin Herrington, the hit star of the Shark Tank TV show and business icon, Jim Britt.  She is the distinguished author of the books “Uncover Your Purpose: Heal and Share Your Gifts With the World,” and “Love is...A Guide to the Power of Love.”

Hoinser Club Honorary MemberDespite being a successful award winning entrepreneur, author, life/business coach, and leadership advisor, what most people don’t know about Nadene Joy is that she retired her career as an executive geologist due to the onset of an extremely rare toxin that almost took her life, she lost her first child to a sudden unexpected miscarriage and lost her father to suicide after battling with severe depression and addictions his entire life. She has been through many real-life and traumatic experiences in which she has gained priceless wisdom.  She compoundingly believes it is these many diverse experiences that have shaped her character into the top respected global leader and compassionate changemaker she is today. She succinctly addresses the sheer importance of honouring our past experiences in life, but not letting them define the infinite possibilities your future holds and the importance of having faith in God and belief in yourself. When you do, anything is possible!  

Nadene Joy is an active advocate for poverty alleviation, providing for the hungry, homelessness, women, children, widows, economic recovery, sustainability, freedom, unity, world peace, healing, environmental issues, education and speaking truth and love to all in a world of utter chaos and darkness. Nadene is an incredible leader who has personally coached thousands of people and leaders globally as she is passionate about serving others, being an impactful servant leader, humanitarian, mother to four beautiful children and friend who makes a positive difference in our world. She continues to bring hope, joy, wealth, wisdom, transformation, clarity, purpose, abundance, love and a lasting legacy to all she encounters.

She encourages us all as leaders of our own destiny, to live each moment to its fullest and remain open and ready to expect the unexpected adventures and miraculous encounters that each new day has to offer! 

* To schedule a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call with Nadene Joy click here.