by Nadene JoyGratitude emanates from humility and emerges from a kind of reverence, awe and wonder and is contagious for all the good that surrounds us. Gratitude can heal individual hearts, restore broken homes and renew crumbling communities and nations.In a world that serves up a steady stream of instant gratification, it is easy to become entrenched in, and eventually enslaved by, an "ingratitude-inducing" entitlement mentality. When we humbly turn our attention towards the grace ...
Advisor. Mindset strategist. Mentor. Author. Nadene Joy is whole this and much more. As a thought leader committed to helping leaders and business owners get unstuck, Nadene preaches the importance of living a balanced life and building the business of your wildest dreams.Her expertise comes from myriad positions: Certified CMHA Psychological Health and Safety Advisor, NLP Practitioner, mental health expert, executive coach, professional speaker and bestselling author. If that’s not ...
If you weren't doing the job you're doing now what would you like to do? We're talking about secret passions and second careers today. Our special guest today is Nadene Joy, a life and business coach in Regina, Sk, Canada. She's the author of the 5-star Amazon book "Uncover Your Purpose: Heal and Share Your Gifts With The World!” Listen to the show here >